Friday, October 16, 2009

A tribute to my soldier boys and their families

After meeting and marrying my husband, I've had two more close friends of mine join the army as well. They are both Ohio Army National Guard, but none the less, soldiers. Today one of them graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. So I thought I'd dedicate my blog today, not only to him but to all the soldiers out there, and especially the three in my thougts tonight. And lastly, and often most importantly, this is for the families of the soldiers. They are the rock, the roots that hold them steady. Here's to you..

CPL. Jeffrey A. Davis (Currently serving in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom) - Baby, I love you and I'm so proud to be your wife. You're amazing, and I know you are hating being away right now. You are doing a very selfless thing. nothing can compromise my love for you. I can't wait until you get home! Only 9 more months!

JOHN AND LAURA - I wanted a picture of you and Jeff to add on here too, but I didn't have one :( I apologize, but I wanted to recognize you too!

PFC. Adam L. Murch (Currently in AIT combat medic training at Fort Sam in Houston, Texas) - If I ever had a big brother, if I ever claimed someone to be my honorary big brother, it would be you. You've ALWAYS been there for me, and I know you will do the same for your soldiers as a medic as well.  

PVT. Jacob A. Peecher (Completed and graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina today) - You and I have been friends forever and I'd never once heard you mention the Army until you told me you were signing. Regardless, I couldn't be more proud. You are a great friend to me, one of my very best. Congratulations on graduating today, bud!

CPL. DAVIS, PFC. MURCH, and PVT. PEECHER I love you all. Thank you for your service. If there's anything at all that any of you need, you know the number. To the families, I am here for you as well. The military is a bond that is different from any another. We are a family in ourselves and must watch out for each other. I'm so proud of these soldiers and their families. Stand strong boys!

1 comment:

  1. Katie Elizabeth... you have sucessfully made me cry again! :P but it's a happy cry so it's ok :) SO I'd like to expand on this blog entry and say a HUGE "Thank You" to all of the military families out there because you sacrifice just as much as the men/women you send away to protect our country.

    Kate you have to be one of the strongest young women I know and I'm so very proud of you! I love you with all my little heart and that extends to little Jack Jack and Jeff too. You and the fam leave me in awe. Never give up, I feel like that's one of your life mottos now :) Stay strong gorgeous! I know for a fact you can!
    Love ya girl!
