Monday, November 30, 2009

'Tis the Season

After a wonderful morning of chatting with my hubby, Jack and I headed out to do a little Christmas shopping. We have almost everyone taken care of now. Just a few more people and we're done! I'm so proud of myself for getting done early this year! Be on the lookout for cats and dogs falling from above or pigs with wings, because me being early never happens. Maybe I should notify the gazette or something?

Speaking of Christmas gifts, the popular question these days seems to be "What should we get Jack for Christmas?" Well, I finally have an answer. Jeff and I discussed it and what we really want for our son this Christmas is books. Jeff and I really enjoy reading and literary world and we want to pass that on to Jack. Help us start his very own book collection. He will be able to keep and cherish this books forever. So if you would please write the date, a short note to Jack, and sign your name in the front cover. We would really appreciate it, and Jack will later as well I'm sure.

After our shopping excursion we headed out to grandma Beth's to help set up and decorate the Christmas tree. Maxwell, Avery and I continued our tradition and put each of our "special" ornaments on the tree first. Mama took pictures like always, but this year she multitasked and loved on Jack as well. The tree looks fabulous if I do say so myself. And Jack loved it, most likely because it has lights. Even Titan joined in on the fun today. The normally outdoor-loving pup decided to spend most the day inside with us. I love that animal, and he loves me! He loves everyone!

We left grandma's full of holiday cheer, and brought along Maxwell to stay the night with us tonight. Stopping at walmart on the way home to get some groceries, I also picked up a new formula for Jack. Much thought and processing went into this decision, but ultimately we needed to at least try. We've been fighting fussy feeding times for about a week and a half now. He's not eating as much in a sitting, and is really cranky immediately upon digestion. My mom suggested that maybe his stomach is sensitive to dairy based formula, as mine was when I was a baby. Jack is now taking Similac Isomil. It offers the same benefits as his former formula, with the only difference being that it is soy based rather than dairy based. So far I have seen wonderful results. However, we only have two soy feedings under our belt so we will see how the long term effects pan out. I'm hoping more than anything that this switch will make him more comfortable. I hate to see him looking as if he's in some sort of pain at all. Especially when thats a result of something he must do frequently, like eating.

Phew! I'm beat, time for bed. Love to all!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Corn Flake Chicken

Just tried out this new recipe and it is YUM (and really easy!) so I figured I would share!

Corn Flake Chicken

2 Eggs
1/4 cup milk
2 1/2 cups cornflakes
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 chicken, cut up
5 tbsp butter

Put eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in bowl, and beat. Dip chicken in mixture, the rub in crushed cornflakes. Place on a cookie sheet. Dribble melted butter over all. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. (You can also use crushed ritz crackers).

Saturday, November 28, 2009


It's been a while, I know. I'm a very bad blogger. Shhhhh.. don't tell anyone. I've made it through my first big holiday alone. Jack and I had a wonderful thanksgiving and were happy to spend it with extended family since we couldn't have daddy. I think in total over the past 3 days, I've eaten the amount equal to a full turkey. But man, was it yummy. A recent FRG update stated that Jeff was able to enjoy a pretty normal holiday, in the culinary aspect at least. His meal was complete with many variations of turkey, and of course some mouth watering desserts. However, I would say they had a special topping that we here on the homefront did not, sand. None the less, it's good that our soldiers celebrated too.

Jack is practically glued to me today. He wants no part of his swing, or his play mat, or anything else I've tried to present with an excited face. I think he gets like this when he misses his daddy. We've got to SEE daddy a lot in the past couple days thanks to a recent improvement on the FOB. Personal internet! Jeff now has access to internet on his personal computer in his room. Which has allowed for another new benefit, webcam. Jack and I can see him and he can see us. It is wonderful! People may think I'm crazy, but Jack knows that's his daddy on there. Just like he knows when Jeff calls. His big blue eyes just light up and he kicks and coos and grunts. It melts my heart every time. There's nothing like that father/son bond and distance doesn't change it, that's for sure. I love my boys!

Today is supposed to be cleaning day for me but my son's clinging has put that on hold. He comes first, the dusting and sweeeping will still be there tomorrow. But at 2 months going on 20 years, Jack is growing too fast. I'm going to cherish every minute he still wants me to comfort him, because I know there will be a day he'll have to comfort me.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Early Bird

Up with my baby boy this morning, as usual. And It's a lovely morning. Regardless of the fact that I am still very tired, and regardless of the fact that Jack woke me up to eat a measely ounce of formula before falling back asleep, I am happy.

These past few days have shown me how blessed I am. I have a wonderful family on both Jeff and I's sides. I have a great little "Jasper" in Jack, for all you Twilight-ers, that keeps my calm and collected when I feel like falling apart. A husband that loves me unconditionally and wholey. Most of all, God has blessed me with serenity. Laughter calms my soul. I know there are things that are impossible to change in the world. But I can however, change the way I react to these things. And it is in this that i have come to find peace.

Yesterday was a day filled with Christmas music, flour, sugar, milk, eggs, pecans, chocolate, peanut butter, and the list goes on and on. You name it, we made it into a cookie. Fudge of all flavors and Rice Krispie Treats were among the fruits of our labor as well. I've never seen some many cookies in one place in my life. The whole kitchen counter filled with ingredients and mixers, bowls of dough. The oven, at any given time filled with 4 cookie sheets of rounded yummy-ness baking. The rather large dining table overflowing with cookie covered cooling racks and tubs ready to be filled with the finished product. I must say that this baking extravanganza was a new and eye-opening experience for me. Coming from a small family where none of the women really like to cook that often, I have always associated cooking/baking with work. I have always thought of it as something that you had to do, not wanted to do. But I will tell you I have never had so much fun in a kitchen as I did in Michelle's yesterday. Singing our hearts out to Christmas carols. Inhaling that intoxicating smell of warm cookie dough in the oven. Opening the door to feel the cool, brisk air of the approaching winter. Telling stories and laughing with family about anything and everything. I encourage you to bake with your family. Set aside a day. Do it up right. You don't have to bake cookies, it can be anything you want. Just do it. If not for the satisfaction of accomplishing a recipe, do it for the fellowship and the love involved. It's amazing how sweet a little sugar can be!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Gravel Road

Do you know how much I love you?
The earth 12 times over is no where near it.
Do you know how much I miss you?
1,000 letters with 10,000 words couldn't sufice.
Oh how you've stole my heart.
Your beautiful mind and it's uncomparable exhibitions of love.
When our stay on earth is through,
will you forget about me?
I am not frightened, I will not worry.
Our paths are now intertwined forever.
One unending gravel road.
I will walk beside you until we reach the golden gate and beyond.
We will meet our Savior together.
Because of you, I'm no longer scared.
Because of you, I feel safe in my own skin.
Because of you, I am who I am.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Facing myself

My, it has been a while hasn't it..

I have been out taking a personal leave of absence for my emotional well being. I think I am ready to write again. I feel like I have been running, and running, and running.. in circles. Looking, frantically searching for anything and everything to fill the void that has been formed from Jeff being gone. Deep inside I know nothing can heal my heart but my husband. But still, I scan the earth over for the one thing that will make me feel whole again, knowing perfectly well that the "thing" (the person) is far far away. How do I keep this from defeating me? I still have not come to a conclusion that lets me win. I will tell you though, I will promise you, I will vow under God's watchful eye that I will never stop battling. For my husband, for my son, for myself.. I will not let this depression inhabit my body again. I am better than you, depression. I am better than you in every form that you possess. You are a rude comment from a stranger, I will respond to you with a witty, compelling argument and a smile. You are a feeling of failure in myself, I will remind myself I'm doing my best and smile. You are the waterfall falling down my face from the pain of the cold pillow beside me, I will let God heal my heart and carry me until I can walk on my own again.

I am here to tell you, you are not going to win this time. I am a strong woman. I will prevail over you.

Let my words heal those of you that are having a hard time as well. Please let them into your heart. 

"When I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind, You shine Your light on me.
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability.
How refreshing to know You don't need me,
how amazing to find that You want me.
So I'll stand on Your truth and I'll fight with Your strength
'til You bring the victory,
by the power of Christ in me."
In me, Casting Crowns