Thursday, August 16, 2012

Photo Bombed!

I don't feel like writing a whole lot today.
I'm not feeling quite up to par lately. As soon as Jeff got home from work, I came upstairs and passed out on our bed. I missed dinner and everything. I definitely felt better after that nap, but I'm still battling whatever's got a hold of me.

Good news is, I always have lots of photos to make up for what I lack in literary creativity (:

During my second pregnancy, when I found out I was having another boy I fully expected that my life was about to be a "collection of shenanigans" if you will. I did not, however, expect the magnitude of entertainment that my three boys (husband included) would provide.
Exhibit A:

Annnnnd Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

A + B + C =

Upon waking up after his cat-nap, Jack was super excited to see all the construction outside.
No, I don't usually let my children sit on the table.. construction in our very own backyard is a. big. deal.

I also have been working on my pantry makeover the past few days.

I like labels, if you couldn't tell. And I came a awesomely organized pantry on pinterest full of jars and labels and I knew I had to try it. So this is the beginning. (:

At the end of the day Jeff and I were so excited to collapse in our bed. We rounded the corner upstairs and saw Jack's door open... and Jack was no where to be found. I flipped the hell out stayed calm.. and walked into our bedroom and found this in my bed:

How could I even be mad at that face?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Housewife Chronicles

Sometimes I really don't have anything that interesting to report.
But you are all subject to my boring daily ramblings anyways (:

Yesterday started off a little rough, Lauren (my SIL) and I had the boys up and ready to go to the commissary. Just as we were about to leave. The electric went out. Great. So we decided to put off the grocery shopping until we knew we were actually going to have a cold refridgerator to put our groceries in. So being the flexible women that we are, we went to Hobby Lobby instead. Clearly, it was meant to be. I found some really great deals on glass jars I have had my eye on for some time. But, you'll see more about those later.

While the electricy outage was an inconveinence, it really was a blessing in disguise... you see, they turned it off temporarily in preparation for the installing of one of these:
A privacy fence.. FOR ME (:
I can't wait. Our backyard is currently tiny, right up against a sidewalk and has a yucky old chainlink fence. This will be a BIG improvement. Thank you CampbellCrossing for do this.

I also ordered these yesterday
Jeff and I's new wedding bands. You see what happened was, HE lost his first. Then I lost mine within a week after that. Our ring fingers have been naked for a few months but we are finally replacing them. We both loved this celtic knot design, so we went with a matching set.

Annnnnnd, I ordered this bright blue case for my phone for $2. I just love Amazon.

Jeff's command has been nice enough to start relasing folks early if there's nothing productive at work for them to do. It's not much (maybe 2 hours early each day) but it sure does mean a lot to us families.
Last night we had an FRG meeting. As most of you know I was on board as Jeff's Company FRG leader for a few months, but I have since ended up stepping down. BUT no worried, I have come to know the new leader as a very helpful, good-hearted person. He will do a great job and I will be staying on as a point of contact and to help him out with whatever else he needs.
At the meeting Cpt Kilgore went over the route of travel that the soldiers will most likely take to Afghanistan. Jeff's company will be split between two FOBs (Foward Operating Base) and he showed us where in Afghanistan both are.
The most exciting part of the meeting (for me) was recieving the mister's address. One of my favorite parts of deployment is sending care packages.

If you would like Jeff's deployment address, please email me. I will not be posting it publicly.

After the meeting we finally made it to the commissary. I don't claim to be an "extreme couponer" but I do clip coupons and I do save enough that I feel I'm helping our family and it's worth my time.
Last night our bill went from $176 to $140. (The $10 extra was cash back we got to tip the bagger).
I saved $36.15
or 21%
I'm pretty proud of that.

We also got a few things for the house yesterday. A new shower curtain, a new scentsy warmer, drip pans for the stove, and a memory foam rug for the kitchen. I absolutely expected that I would love this rug already and I sooooo do. What I didn't expect was to have to battle Jonah for it.

Sigh, he's just so darn cute... the dishes can totally wait (:

Happy hump day everyone

Monday, August 13, 2012

Road Trip and WOE Day 3: Car Show

I spent my Sunday looking at this view...
for like SIX hours..

This is my best friend Nicole and six hour roadtrips make us feel like this:

But it was worth it because we made the trip to pick up this little dude
Corbin (:
Nicole hadn't seen her little guy since May, he spent the summer with his daddy in Ohio.

And THEN I just happened to find this straggler at a gas station in Louisville..
The boys were super excited to see aunt "Loh-len"

When we got back to Fort Campbell, I was feeling a little.. green. So the toilet and my face became aquainted and had a chat for a while.

Anyone who knows my husband, knows he's a "car enthusiest." If he had his way (and we were rich of course) he would have a garage full of old cars and trucks. As part of Week of the Eagles, a Car Show was held at the PX parking lot yesterday. So of course we had to take daddy and let him Ooooo and Ahhh.

Jeff wasn't the only one who was impressed, Jack had a blast. Just like daddy, he had ones he loved and one he... less than loved. (Jack made sure we stayed as far away from the Jurrasic Park Jeep as possible). And he loved the old red VW bug, although at first he said it was "broken" because the engine was "all gone" in the front. hehe.

This was the family favorite.
A black Pontiac LeMans with cream leather interior.

The car was dedicated to a father and a son, Daniel J Graham Sr. and SPC Kevin J Graham. SPC Graham was KIA in Afghanistan in 2009 while serving with 1-17 Infantry 5/2 SBCT.
(This is the same Brigade and tour that Jeff did his first deployment with)
RIP SPC Kevin J Graham

All in all it was a good Sunday, Happy Monday everyone (:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

WOE Day 2 (Run for the Fallen & Air Show)

Man oh man,
there are some weekends that I'm just happy to spend lazing around the house with my family and then there are some we get out and just enjoy to the fullest extent.  

Fort Campbell became our (newest) home about a year ago. Since PCSing here, like any mili-family will tell you, we have found things we like about this post and things we do like. Then there are the things that you love, that you will miss when you move away. Week of the Eagles and Fort Campbell's MWR are some of those things. The 101st Airborne Division has history, lots of it. WOE is a chance for you to see that, to learn that, to feel that.

We started off our morning at 7am with the Run for the Fallen. It's a 5k run or a 2 mile walk. Runners wear bibs that say who they are running for. Most folks are military but it is open to the surrounding civilian community too. It's an experience I won't soon forget. You see the names on the runners' bibs, and it makes you proud to be a part of honoring our heroes. Then you read some of the shirts that say things like "My husband, my angel",  "In memory of my daddy" Or the one that really got me choked up.. a toddler with a t-shirt reading "I was daddy's last gift to mommy."

The boys were pretty good sports about it considering it was before their normal wake-up call. Jack even got out and ran a bit with daddy.

The Run was held at the Air Assault school here at Campbell, the flags represent fallen soldiers.

After the Run we went home to change, eat breakfast, repack supplies (aka sippy cups, diapers, etc) and then headed to the airfield for the Air Show

I was excited for the boys to see the show, but I wasn't expecting to be as impressed as I was. I felt like a little girl giggling and snapping photos as fast as I could.

My poor soft-hearted baby got so worried at first, he screamed and cried "Ahhhhhhh he's gonna crash!"
But after some explaining and some reassurance by the pilot repeatedly not crashing, Jack started to enjoy it.

He and daddy even climbed into a chinook to look around

About halfway through the Air Show Jack and Jonah were down for the count. They got some much needed naps and Jeff and I got to rest our tired legs. Between the Run this morning and the walk to and from the Air Show, we probably racked up at least 4-5 miles today before noon.

 Upon the boys waking, daddy told us all to get in the car. Being the compulsively nosey person that I am, I questioned him and begged for hints as to where we were going. I never got so much as a clue. He even went the long way around to get off post just to throw me off (:
I didn't have a clue where we were going until we pulled in the parking lot. Where, you ask?

Who doesn't love frozen yogurt??
I had mentioned I wanted to find a froyo place around here, but I never found a name or location.
My sweet, sweet husband came through for me though (:
It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Tomorrow, I get to head north on a roadtrip with my BFF Nicole. We are picking up her first born munchkin, Corbin (who's been with his daddy all summer) and my favorite sister-in-law, Lauren, who's spending a week with us. *happy dance*

Happy Saturday, hope y'all had a great one.

Friday, August 10, 2012


I'm pretty sure the boys are stealing my brain cells somehow. Went for a run/walk this morning and went the wrong way back to the house. Then, we went to donate some of our old clothes, and I drove away and halfway back home with Talulah's back hatch open. (Talulah is my beloved Kia Soul, in case you are out of the loop). Last but not least, I just gave Jack a turkey sandwich with maple syrup on it. Poor kid, he did eat it though. I should probably go back to bed and try again... But alas I cannot, that would only give them further access to my sanity (:

Today marks the first day of Week of the Eagles here at For Campbell. Soldiers from all over the 101st Airborne Division kicked off WOE with a 4 mile Division run this morning. If you have never seen something like this, it really is a sight to see. (I did not attend this morning, early mornings make my boys cranky). But here's a photo to give you an idea.

They just keep coming and coming. Thousands of soldiers take part. People stand on the sides and cheer and look for their loved ones.

Here's a photo of Jeff's company. Assurgam! I circled what you can see of the mister.

WOE will continue through next Friday with sports competitions, an air show, a free concert by Kelly Clarkson.

Tomorrow morning our family will be participating in the Run for the Fallen.

Despite the Army's "challenges" it's pretty cool to be able to take part in things like these.
Enjoy your weekend, I know I will (:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jonah's Seussical 1st Birthday

Remember me?
I sometimes blog here.
When I'm not lazy..

Livin' Our Love Song is gearing up for daddy's second deployment. That means a "new look", more posts in the near future over the course of the deployment, and a new adventure for our family.

I hope you are liking our new layout,
If this is the first post of mine you are reading, how about I make this first post worth your time..

My family and friends have been waiting for this post for a long while.
My second born son, Jonah Allen Davis, turned one on July 11! His birthday party was a big hit and everyone had a great time.
Take a look:

The yummiest table in all of who-ville

Our Menu:

The birthday boy himself, in one of the "Cat in the Hat" hats all the kids made

Jonah's friends helped him open all his presents

One of the kids' favorite parts was dressing up in the Seuss props

My friend Jackie made Jonah's smash cake and the cupcakes. She is amazing and Jonah loved it

Cake doesn't last long with this boy (big brother even came to help him)

Mama and daddy's photo with the birthday boy

All the kids went home with a goodie bag filled with a jar of goldfish, Dr. Seuss bubbles, a pinwheel, and a toothbrush (to help rid their teeth of all the sweet stuff we ate). We also had guests sign a copy of Dr. Seuss's "Happy Birthday to You" Book for Jonah. We plan on continuing with that tradition at every birthday party of his.

It was a great first birthday party! I can't wait to embarass Jonah with these photos when he's older especially this one (: hehe

If you have questions about how to plan a Seussical party like ours, please email, leave a comment, anything. I'd love to help (: