Wednesday, February 10, 2010

7 months down, 5 to go!

That's right folks. We have SEVEN MONTHS down out of this year long deployment. Jeff and I couldn't be more excited. Once in a while we are still down in the dumps about much longer we have left, but for the most part, we agree that we've done a good job ajusting to temporary separation and making the best of it. In three short months I will be moving Jack, Luna, myself, and our family's stuff back to Wasington to prepare for the return of our number one man! I can't express into words how lucky I feel to have had the opportunity to watch all of you get to know Jack and spend time with him. (Don't quit now, we still have three months!) But that has been the silver lining of this deployment so far. The love and support I feel around me from family and close friends has been a life saver as well. Thank you for everything! A big thanks also to my readers here I really enjoy writing and although I'm not the best at it, I'm very happy to know that some of you still enjoy reading my blog.


  1. been a blessing to have you home for his first year. So excited for you, Jackie and jeff to start living your life as a family.
