Sunday, October 31, 2010

Enjoying Ohio

Just wanted to tell y'all I'm still alive. I'm on a week-long vacation in Ohio visiting family. Well, I guess it's not really a vacation since I've been running non-stop. Sucks when people don't understand all you wanna do is relax. But anyways, I shouldn't complain. I'm having a great time. 

Avery (my little sister) and I during trick-or-treat

Munchkin man decided "I'd rather just ride and eat my sucker, thanks"

More pictures to come later! Hope everyone is having a good Halloween week!

Oh, and P.S. I dyed my hair red right before I came to Ohio..

What do you think?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Busy busy busy!

Anyone have a cloning machine? That would be really helpful right about now.
Last night I started on my "Day Zero" Project List. It's basically a challege for yourself. And it involved making a list :) A huge list. So of course my weird OCD, list-loving self couldn't pass it up. Here's what ya do. Make a list of 101 things (anything at all, as long as they are specific) and then you have 1001 days to complete your list to the best of your abilities! Cool huh?
My 101 in 1001 started October 24, 2010 and will end July 22, 2013. And Here's what I my list looks like so far:

1. Learn to sew
2. Lose 50 pounds
3. Work out at least 3x a week, every week
4. complete my first sale of something I crafted
5. go a week without internet
6. hike a trail a mt. ranier
7. visit 26 new cities starting with every letter of the alphabet
8. complete the couch to 5k program
9. run a 5k
10. send a postcard to postsecret
11. shop on black Friday
12. take a zumba class
13. go to Canada
14. watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
15. see the redwood forest
16. read 26 books I’ve never read starting with each letter of the alphabet
17. learn to snowboard
18. cook dinner at home every night for 2 weeks straight
19. no fast food for a month
20. Start a garden
21. Eat/Cook with something grown from said garden
22. make a mosaic
23. travel somewhere by train
24. have professional family photos taken
25. go camping
26. learn to play and sing a song with guitar
27. participate in a scavenger hunt
28. go to a live concert
29. see a traveling Broadway musical
30. see the pacific ocean
31. participate in project 365
32. learn how to drive a stick shift
33. Send a photograph to a contest
34. paint walls in our house
35. Save $5 for every task completed
36. assemble a recipe book
37. Start a pin map of places I’ve been
38. Make and send homemade cards (birthdays, anniversaries, etc) 1 per month
39. Put together a card box complete with calendar of addresses for said homemade cards
40. give a homemade gift
41. Create shadowbox for hubby’s deployment items
42. Plan a date night in with hubby
43. Participate in a charity walk (March for Dimes?)
44. take a weekend getaway with just my hubby
45. Buy a drill
46. try 25 new recipes
47. Go to an Army Ball
48. Blog about every completely goal
49. Stick to a budget!
50. Leave my credit/debit card at home for a whole month
51. Volunteer for something
52. drink only water for two weeks straight
53. start a new family tradition
54. go geocaching

54 tasks thought off, 47 to go. Sigh, I need help any suggestions?

My other "thing" I've been up to .....
is opening up shop on facebook
The Rainshine Boutique. Specializing in all things cute enough to fall with the rainshine from the silverlining of life!
Catchy eh?

Blooming Bands aka adult headbands (Like the one seen in my logo) are $6. I can do just about any color combo you'd like. And the best part. FREE SHIPPING 24/7 on everything in the shop!
You can click my badge at the top left of this page to "like" The Rainshine Boutique on Facebook.
And if you are interested in purchasing, just shoot me an email via gmail or preferably at
Help me fill my shop's albums with gorgeous items I created for you :)

Oh and let's not forget the tornado that's still happening in my kitchen. Yep, still! They tore the corkboard stuff up today and found that the actual wood floor is still wet. So, we still have the stupid fans and dehumidifier.. and the guy is coming back in the morning.
AAANNNDD, on top of all that, Jack and I leave for Ohio in less than 24 hours, and I haven't even started packing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Zero Project

I'm starting my list!
Look out for it in a few days

Check it out the challenge.

Nifty Thrifty 10.24.10

First thing's first, I have a nifty thrifty for you today!
So, remember that boquet Kellee made me from pipe cleaners and cupcake liners?
(If not you can see her post about it HERE)
And here's a picture of the one she made 'specially for me!

Give it a little flare with a vase I picked up from my FAVorite place (aka the thrift store).. and a shelf I already had to park it's cute little self on and...
It has a new home on my bathroom wall!

Thanks Kellee!
The actual boquet was a homemade gift (I'm going to guess about $3 to make), the vase was $1, and the shelf I got at a thrift store in Ohio a while ago for $1. So total cost =$5!
And you could also add some small candles to either side of the vase to spiff it up even more!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Coupon Offer

After going through my coupons today I realized I have some that I'm just not going to use. No sense in keeping them if I'm not going use them right?

So here's what's going to happen I'm going to list what coupons I have, then all you have to do is email me and tell me which ones you want.. and if your the first person to request that coupon (or coupons), then that's it! They will be in the mail to you on Monday morning! (If you are recieving one or some, I will email you back to tell you which ones you are getting, and ask for your address.

Here's the list:
-$2 off on any (1) Goodnites Sleeppants (Jumbo Pack or larger) Expires 12/31/10
-50cents off on any (1) Cottonelle Fresh Flushable Wipes, Tub Expires 12/31/10
-50cents off on any (2) or more Irish Spring multi-packs (3pck or larger) Expires 12/31/10
-50cents off on any (1) Lady Speed Stick Antiperspirant/Deodorant Expires 12/31/10
-$1 off on any (1) package of Huggies Baby Wipes (504 ct) Expires 12/31/10
-$2 off any (1) package of Pull-Ups Training Pants (Jumbo Pck or larger) Expires 12/31/10
-$3 off any (1) package of Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers Expires 12/31/10
-$2 off any (1) package Pull-ups Training Pants w/ Cool Alert (Mega Pck) Expires 12/31/10
-75cents off on any (1) Kid's or Toddler Toothbrush from Colgate Expires 12/31/10
-$1 off any (1) Huggies Baby Wipes On the Go Bundle Pack (4pck or larger) Expires 12/31/10
-75cents off any (1) Kid's or Toddler Toothpaste from Colgate Expires 12/31/10
-50cents off any (1) Colgate WISP (4 ct. or higher) Expires 12/31/10

Email me at to claim your coupon(s)!
I will update the list as these get claimed!

Fall Foto Contest

Sarah over at G.I. Joe's Wife is having a "Fall Foto Contest"! She lives in Hawaii where she doesn't get the experience real fall, so she's enjoying it via her readers!

Here is the photo I'm submitting..

What do y'all think?

FREE 8X10 Collage from Walgreens

Walgreens is doing their *Free 8X10 Collage* Promotion again, WOOT! I have already cashed in on this deal the last time it came around, and I just ordered my second one. The first was a collage of a few pictures of homecoming that can be seen HERE as part of my Nifty Thrifties post. (That frame cost me only 99cents!)

This deal is only open until the end of today, Oct. 23rd, so you better act fast, you don't want to miss out.
Here's what you need to do...
click this link
Upload your photos (however many your little heart desires but not above 20)
Follow the steps to create your collage
At checkout put in the code: 8X10TREAT
Choose in-store pickup and waaaalllaaa!
A completely free 8x10 collage!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tis the Season... to order from Shutterfly!

If you haven't heard of this amazing company, it's high time you check it out

I know I'm not the only one that's looked at a photo and thought "Man that would look good on a greeting card!" Well shutterfly thinks so too, and they will help you create beautiful prints from your precious memories. They make it easy to upload your photo(s), choose a print design, and see your memories be given new life. All they don't just offer your simple 4x6s, 8x10s, and collages, they have sooooo many options.
I mean look at this advertisement for their award winning photo books?
Doesn't get much more adorable than that, would make a great gift for grandparents!
They also have things like these:
PHOTO MUGS! How cool is that? I don't know a single person that wouldn't appreciate an extra coffee mug, especially one with cute munchkin faces on it!

I visit this website fairly often to see what deals and promotions they have going on.
So I've been stalking their holiday section of products. Christmas is so much closer than it seems, and *being the crazy OCD person that I am* I need to prepare! And what did I find, at the EXACT right time I needed it.... Right now,

So off I went to indulge myself with holiday cheer a little early :) First off you should definitely check out their collection of Christmas cards.
If you live away from your extended family, you know how important it is to send (and recieve) Christmas cards. They are the link that holds family together emotionally when they are stuck only wishing they could be together physically for Christmas
My favorite design is this one:
It quotes one of my favorite songs, the color scheme is perfect and the black & white finish on the photos give it that "this is precious!" look. I love that there's five places for photos! I always have a hard time choosing which photo to include, so this solves my problem. As a family, we haven't had any family pictures take since Jeff returned from Afghanistan. I think it's important for us to get that done, just to commemorate that we have made it through a year long deployment and we're still going strong! This card will be perfect to show off our family photos with, don't you think? Now to get the husband to agree and I can check "Pick out Holiday card design" off my list!

I was just about to nagivate away from Shutterfly's website when I came across these bad boys:
There's a ton to choose from:
And most coordinate with a holiday card or two.

It's not even Halloween yet and Shutterfly has made me wanna turn on some Christmas music, put up the tree, and bake my weight in gingerbread cookies!

Have you ever used Shutterfly? What was your experience like?


I've started making headbands! Too bad I don't have a little girl to model them..
{This was a trial run to test out my technique, hence the ugly *Army shirt* brown color of the flower}

Stay tuned... I'll be debuting some more adorable ones soon... and you may even have the chance to buy one :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WonderWoman Wednesday - KELLEE!

Welcome to Livin' Our Love Song's first edition of "WonderWoman Wednesday"!

This week's WonderWoman I happen to know personally. She and I met after our husbands became roommates in Afghanistan. She found me on Facebook and we began chatting. By the time each of us moved back to Washington from the east coast, we were chatting nearly every day. She became my partner in crime sprucing up our new houses, moving in my stuff from storage, and getting ready for our hubbies' homecoming! She's become a wonderful friend to me and an amazing (honorary) auntie to Jack.  Readers, meet Kellee! from You + Me = Wii!

Kellee with her french bulldog puppy, Stitch, all decked out for the Seahawks game (She is an avid fan of the Seahawks)

She probably won't tell you, but Kellee is pretty crafty. Recently she made me this... from cupcake papers and pipe cleaners!
It's going in a vase and on a shelf in my bathroom :)

And a couple months ago after enduring my high-and-low search for the *perfect* travel mug for my tea, she customized one for me!
It's got my name on it, and my favorite print, paisley :)

And don't let me forget to show you this
Jack's first birthday cake that she made! Complete with a cowboy and horses!

But enough from me, let's let Kellee share with you all!

1. Kellee, what is the name of your blog and how did you come up with it?
You + Me = Wiiiii, my husband and I's wedding photographer took photos of us playing Wii together at our wedding reception and when she edited them into a 4 picture collage she put the caption " You + Me = Wii". We LOVED it and thought it was so "us" and clever. I added more I's to Wii because that's how I speak sometimes when I get really exciiiiiited, see?

2. What made you want to start a blog?
I started my blog only days after my husband of 4 days left after R&R. He was to be gone for another 6 months in Afghanistan. I had been blog stalking Kate and some others for awhile and decided I needed something to occupy my time while I waited for my husband to pop up on my chat window. {Did that sound as pathetic to you as it did to me?}

3. And What is your blog about?
My blog is about anything, everything and nothing at all! Mostly it is about my husband and I's crazy adventures in this thing we call marriage. Our marriage involves alot of twists and turns thanks to the Army, so there's alot about that. We also love to get out and see sights and explore things together, so there's lots of pictures. I'm a baker and trying to be a cook, so there's that too. OH and don't forget our adorable puppy!

4. How often do you post?
When I first started I posted 4-5 times a week. Then my husband came home and it slowed down to once a week for a few i'm back up to 4-5 times a week :)

5. What is one of your favortie posts? Why is it your favorite?
This is my fave post for obvious reasons. The pure joy and excitement that was captured is priceless. We will never forget it.

6. What blog do you visit most often? besides your own & Livin' Our Love Song of course :)
The blogs that I visit most are on the right side of my blog in a list. I visit most the blogs that I subscribe to, but the blogs on that list are the ones that I like the most. When I check my page I scroll down and hope that someone has a new post.

7. Describe your blog in one word?

8. Is there anything else you want to share with us?
I am slowly getting deeper into this bloggy world and I like the outlet that it has given me. It's my generations way of journaling/diary writing. As a military wife I love the support that blogging gives me and love to read about other military wives, mostly, because it makes me feel a little less alone in this crazy lifestyle!

Don't forget to stop by and say hi to Kellee and follow her @ You + Me = Wii! And if you do, tell her you found her because she is a WonderWoman!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nifty Thrifties Oct 18

Here's my introduction to a new series I'm starting called "Nifty Thrifties". (I'm on a roll lately huh? with WonderWoman Wednesdays and now this...) Anyways, posts tagged with "Nifty Thrifties" will featured items I have found at a thrift store, or goodwill, or for REALLY cheap (probably clearance) at a department store. I bring them home, give them a little TLC and/or add some creative flare and waaaalaaaa! You get to see the before and after pictures and break downs of costs, along with what I did and how I did it. Hope you likey!

Since we moved into our new house in May, I've been slowly, VERY slowly adding decor items when we can afford them. For the first couple months, I was looking for cute stuff in IKEA, and Target, etc. Realizing just how ridicously expensive that stuff is, I decided there HAD to be a cheaper way to make your home look... homey?

So I began to do some research with blogs, and DIY magazines and websites, etc. One of my absolute favorite blogs to stalk daily for creative inspiration I mean, browse every once in while ;) is She's Crafty. Rachelle posts great stuff, and is amazingly talented! You should definitely check her out.

Now, that I have you saying "I wanna see some nifty thrifties!"... Here ya go!

I bought this hideous frame from the Goodwill store in Lacey, WA. It was 99 cents, and I couldn't pass it up. Aside from being fairly atroucious in color and pattern, it was in great condition!

And here's what a can of black spray paint ($1) and a FREE collage from Walgreens can do for an ugly old frame! (Thank you Thrifty NW Mom for letting me know about the free collage!)

So with the cost of the thrifted frame (99cents), and the cost of the can of spray paint ($1), and a FREE collage. We have a total cost of under 2 bucks for this bad boy!

I have another item to share today, my mirror makeover. I found this mirror at the same goodwill as the previous one. It too was in pretty good condition for the price ($2.99) and only setback was a missing divider bar. (This picture was taken after I removed the mirror for painting)

I used the same can of spray paint for this frame, added some scrapbook stickers, and bought a wall hanger because the original was missing. For a total of $5.49 invested, here is the end result

Sorry for the bad photo qualtiy. I'll take some more of the entire wall later on, in daylight. The frame is about 2ft by 1-1/2 ft. Pretty good size, and and its monogrammed with "The Davis Family".

Hope you enjoyed my first "Nifty Thrifties" Post.. I'm currently working on a kiddy table I found today (Again, at Goodwill) for $3! So be on the lookout for those pictures soon!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeff

Presenting the Jeff of Liberty! The is what the hilarious staff of Red Robin made Jeff do while they sang Happy Birthday to him. (Well it wasn't actually happy birthday that they sang, it was some funny, Red Robin-a-fied birthday rendition they came up with). They also made him put a spoon in his mouth but he took it out before we could snap the picture. We celebrated with friends (and roomies currently) Jeremy and Daniel. Lots of laughs and fun.

For his birthday Jack and I got daddy a game for the Wii he's been wanting:

I think it's safe to say he likes it alright, since he's playing it now (and talking to it like he does with his other favs, hehe). It actually looks like something I might try too. I'm not really a fan of the xbox games, but I'll try anything thats for the Wii, I *heart* my Wii.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Coupon Crazy

I promised I'd post about my first coupon experience. Well here ya go. The following is going to be a rundown of my coupon day. Bear with me, it was a busy day and this will be a busy blog.

Here's an example of how my savings will be set up:
Huggies diapers Reg. $8.99 - Manu. Coupon $2 off / 2  = $15.98 for 2 packages!
Name of item (Reg.) Regular Price of item (minus) coupon (equals) total paid!
Total Cost $17.98  - Total Savings $2 = Total Paid $15.98

Okay so we started the day at Rite Aid, because it was going to be our simplest trip:
Suave Shampoo Reg. $2.29
Suave Conditioner Reg. $2.29
- Manufacturer's coupon $2 off / 2 Suave items
Total Cost $4.58  -  Total Savings $2 = Total Paid $2.58

Next was Target:
Huggies Wipes Reg. $1.99 - Manu. Coupon $1 off / 1 item = 99 cents for wipes!
Hillshire Lunchmeat Reg. $2.99 - Target coupon 50cents off / 1 item = $2.50
(2) Oscar Meyer Lunchmeats Reg. $3.04 - Target coupon $1 off / 2 items = $5.08 for 2!
Colgate Toothpaste Reg. $1.79 - Manu. coupon $1 off / 1 item = 79 cents for toothpaste!
Total Cost $12.35  -  Total Savings $3.50 = Total Paid $9.35

Next on our trip was Safeway, it's important to note that Safeway allows you to "stack" coupons. Which basically means, you can use a store coupon along AND a manufacturer's coupon on the SAME item. This allows you to get maximum savings!
Fritos Chips Reg. $2.49 - Safeway coupon $1 off / 1 = $1.49
 (5) Kraft Mac&Cheese Reg. 79cents - Safeway coupon 10cents / 1 (limit 10) = $3.45 for 5
Viva Paper Towels Reg. $6.99 - Safeway coupon $1 off / 1 - Manu. coupon $1 off / 1 = $4.99
Pillsbury Cookies pay $1.99 with Safeway coupon - Manu. coupon $1 off / 2 = $3.98 for 2!
Total Cost $18.41 - Total Savings $4.50 = Total Paid $13.91

Fred Meyer:
(5) Kraft Cheese Singles Reg. $2 each - Manu. Coupon $5 / 5 = $5 for 5 pcks of cheese slices!
Preference Hair Color Reg. $9.29 - Manu. coupon $2 off / 1 = $7.29
Huggies Overnites diapers Reg. $9.99 - Manu. coupon $2 off / 1 = $7.99
Total Cost $29.28 - Total Savings $9.00 = Total Paid $20.28

Huggies Snug&Dry diapers Reg. $25 - Manu. coupon $3 off / 1 = $22 for 164 diapers!
CoffeeMate creamer Reg. $1.92 - Manu. coupon $1.50 off / 1 = 42cents!!!
Old El Paso Taco Seasoning Reg. 82cents - Manu. coupon 40cents off / 1 = 42cents!
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix Reg. $1.58 - Manu. coupon 50cents off / 1 = $1.08
Cottonelle T.P. 12 pck Reg. $5.97 - Manu. coupon $1 off / 1 = $4.97
(2) Tyson Chicken Patties Reg. $4.98 - (2) Manu. coupon $1 off / 1 = $7.96 for 2!
(6) Yoplait Yogurt cups Reg. 54cents - Manu coupon 40cents off / 6 = $2.64
(Also with buying the Yoplait cups I can send in the lids to "Save Lids to Save Lives" Click to read my post about it)
Total Cost $48.49 - Total Savings $9.00 = Total Paid $39.49


Without my coupons I would have paid $113.60
with my coupons, I paid .... $85. 60!

Definitely going to continue clipping, cutting, and couponing!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Save Lids to Save Lives

Keeping in the spirit of wonderful women, Yoplait has a wonderful promotion going on to support breast cancer research. Here's how it works: Buy any participating yoplait products, collect the pink lids, rinse them, and mail them in! It's as simple as that. For every pink lid sent by December 31st, 2010 Yoplait will donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure!

So get to saving those lids from these participating products:
Yoplait: Orginal
Yoplait: Light
Yoplait: Think & Creamy
Yoplait: Light Thick & Creamy
Yoplait: Whips
Yoplait: Four Pack
Yoplait: Delights
Yoplait: Greek
Yoplait: Yoplus

And then send them to:
P.O. BOX 420704
EL PASO, TX 88542-9418

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WonderWoman Wednesday

Do you know what that number is? The number of followers we have on this blog! Just a little of over a year ago, I started this blog as a way to keep my family/friends updated on my pregnancy and my deployed husband. And today I am sitting here with my toddler on my lap, typing up a blog for 50 people that have said "Yes I would like to read your writing." Amazing! You gals are wonderful. Your comments and your own blogs are what inspire me to keep writing. And in honor of that, I'm starting

WonderWoman Wednesday!

Starting one week from today (on a Wednesday, imagine that) I will be featuring an amazing blogger every Wednesday. Each WonderWoman will get the chance to tell us about their blog, about their life, and whatever else they want to share. You will be awarded a button you to put on your blog if you so wish. You will also be featured in my catalog of WonderWomen, in which will list your first name, blog name, blog URL, and a short description of yourself and your blog.

There are only a few qualifications to become a WonderWoman:
-you must have posted a blog in the past week
-you must be a follower of Livin' Our Love Song
-you must be a woman :)
-you must reply to my permission to publish email by at least the Monday before you are scheduled to be featured

That's it! That's all you have to do.

I hope through these WonderWoman Wednesdays, my readers will find it easier to find, follow, and connect with interesting womens' blogs they may not have found otherwise. It's big bloggy world out there, so let's make our mark ladies! I will constantly be searching for blogs to feature, but if you would like to suggest a blog or suggest YOUR blog, just email me at or leave a comment and I will definitely check it out!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yep, that's my son... in a pumpkin. Mind you, he wouldn't even touch the thing until it was fully gutted and no yucky stuff was inside. I think my germophobia has made him scared to get his hands dirty/messy. Luckily, his daddy is about as far from a germophobe as they come so he can do all those yucky, germy things with him.

So how did we get to this point of Jack-filled-pumpkin? Here's the story, in pictures...

Ready to pumpkin pick!

Moooooooooom, let me down.. I see mud! (Don't ask me why he likes mud and not pumpkin guts?)

Searchin' for the PERFECT one..

Found it! But he's fake smiling cause mom's taking too many pictures

"Here, I'll hold the top and YOU stick YOUR hand in there mama"

Yummmm, pumpkin!


Overall, Jack's first experience with pumpkins was fun and entertaining for both him and his daddy and I :)

Come back in a couple days for the debut of my newest obsession... couponing! I've been researching, clipping, printing, reading, and organizing. I can't wait to share my first coupon deals with you all. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head

Well folks, summer is over :( Definitely... so... over. At least here in the Pacific Northwest it is. Kellee, you shush about your summery weather in Colorado.

Today we braved the rain and went to the Pumpkin Fest in Orting, Washington (Details HERE). Orting is a cute little town. And the Fest was cute too. Definitely doesn't compare to the Pumpkin show in Circleville, Ohio. But it was a nice way to spend the day. Rain boots and jackets in tow, we listened to some local bands, ate at a "hole-in-the-wall" restaurant called Route 66 Pizza, and bought me my first cowgirl hat :) We had planned on picking up some pumpkins from a pumpkin patch on the way home, but Jack had other plans. He was testing us big time today, and we decided that we will wait 'til tomorrow to go pumpkin pickin'. There is a family farm thats on our way home from church, hopefully the weather will be a bit better tomorrow as well.

On Jack's list of new talents, he can say "OWWW". His uncle Jeremy has been working hard to teach him "OW" and "MINE" before he has to move home to Arizona. One down, one to go, Jeremy. Not only does he say "ow" for things that hurt. But he says it when he's mad, when we discipline him, and when he's playing. Anyone else lucky enough to have a 1 year old that knows only the words "daddy", "mama", "nana", "huh?", and "OWWW"? It's a good time, let me tell ya.

After Jeff and the boys are done watching some boy movie.. I think it's called Last Man Standing? And after we put Jack to sleep... My wonderfull hubby is taking me to see Life As We Know It.

I've been excited about this movie since I saw the trailer the first time. Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel star as two single people that are named in a mutual friend's will as guardians for the baby. Should be funny. I'm all about humor, and this film looks promising!

One last question, does anyone else have a 1 year old human garbage disposal?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Photo Shoot

Here's a treat for you today, a few pictures to brighten your day!
Jack can finally fit his skinny booty into his awesome Welsh shirt. Meggan and Cynog got for him quite a while ago. It's super cute! And my fav. thing about it is that it's sort of heavy-weight.. like a sweatshirt maybe. So it's perfect for the weather we have out here.

I think Jack and his uncle DanDan could play together all day and not get bored with each other. Dan recently bought a ukulele and has been teaching himself to play. Jack is learning too :) They are singing "Soooomewheeeerrre over the rainbow, way up hiiiighhh" SO ADORABLE :)

Grocery shoppin' with mama in his new Old Navy jacket.

HAPPY Girl with Bob Evans mashed potatoes and mac&cheese. Hey, if I can't actually GO to Bob's, might as well treat myself to the next best thing, right?

One of my FAVORITE pictures of him taken lately. He loves to swing!

So rotten! I left the room for two minutes and...


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I can cosmically feel the mean faces

Somehow all of you have managed to get inside my head and nag me until my clicking and typing magically delivered me to my blog. All I can say, is EPIC FAIL on my part. I know I said (I'm BACK!) once before, but I lied that time and my nose grew too long so I have some making up to do. 'Cause I just don't look right with a Pinocchio nose...

You know what I love? I love when I come back from a 3 month hiatus to find that one of my bloggy friends has awarded me not only one, but TWO blog awards. Katelyn (yes, we are name twins) over at Life Is a Beautiful Mess I heart you :) I promise I won't let you down again

Katelyn awarded me the:
Versatile Blogger Award

And the:
One Lovely Blog Award:

Lately things have been pretty chill around the Davis house. We have two of Jack's "uncles" staying with us right now. Uncle Dan Dan and uncle Jeremy. It's been an adjustment getting used to adding two more people to our family but I will be sad when they are gone. Oh, and no they are not the gay kind of uncles :) One is happily married to a dear friend of mine, Marcy. And the other is happily straight. hehe.

Jack is one! O-N-E, one! It's crazy. And let me tell you that kid is walking all over the place. He is 1 going on 15. He can effectively and adorably say "huh?" when we say his name. He waves hi, and occasionally says "hi" He knows Da da, and ma ma, and dog dog. He loves to eat anything and everything, as long as it doesn't have a weird texture (like jello, or green beans, or cottage cheese). Aside from getting into everything, he loves to be outdoors, playing xbox with daddy (daddy gives him the unplugged controller), and dances and cleans with mommy.

Daddy is back on a somewhat regular work schedule, he is squadleader now, which comes with a little more work and responsibility, but he's handling it well. He is still trying to pull some strings and jump through some hoops to get us stationed closer to Ohio, but no word yet. Stay tuned for more info on that later. Good news! Things are starting to align that have lead us to suspect Jeff might be promoted sometime in November. This would be great for him and great for our family, so, fingers crossed everybody!

I've come to the point in my life where I feel I can be honest about my ongoing fight with depression. And I'm just going to say it, I've been having a hard time lately. Everyone has good days and bad, but lordy, I've had my fair share of bad days and then some lately. I can't say enough about how great my husband has been. Thanks hunny :) For a change of subject, I've began job hunting! Yep, after two years being unemployed, I am getting the feeling it's time to at least start looking. I have found a couple daycares as well that I really like. If I get a call about a job, I will tour them and interview the provider. Nothing is set in stone yet, and we are not so desperate for money that I need to work right now. But something part time would be beneficial to my self-health I think.

One more piece of news before I head out to try and fix the crazy background mess that has been goin' on here.

VOTE FOR JACK! in the Baby Gap Casting Call 2010

Sigh, it's good to be back
I think I'll end by sharing this super cute picture of my two favorite men