I'm too sleepy to post a grammar-worthy blog so this is whatcha get..
The family reunion on Sunday went very well. We had lots of yummy food. Lots of love. And lots of laughter. Aunt Emmy and uncle Gerald said they may make a trip down to see us after Jack gets here. yay! Uncle Chet even made it. Everyone could not believe how pregnant I was! Trina- thanks so much for putting it together, you did a great job as always and you are much appreciated. I was so exhausted after the reunion, I came home and slept from 6pm to 10pm! I then woke back up for a couple hours and fell back asleep til the next morning. I was pooped! Max also performed in his last Scioto Valley Sensations concert on Sunday at the Salt Creek Valley Festival. I was not able to attend because of the family reunion, but from what I hear he did a wonderful job as always. I sure am going to miss going to those concerts. Mackie- love you bud! Monday, I had lunch with Ashley and caught up with her a little bit. She and I have both been pretty busy and haven't got to hang out as much as usual. I picked up Avery from school and we went home to wait on Mama and Max to get home. Dinner that night was held at Giovanni's (YUM!) for Preston's 10th birthday! Amy brought balloons and a cake and everything. You can't beat Giovanni's pizza and confetti cake. Once again, I came home for the night and crashed. Phew, I think my body shuts down around 6-7pm these days.
Today, I did not wake up until around noon. I guess I'm getting my lazy sleep-in days in while I still can. Only about one more week (if that) left of those. I picked up Aye and we went for lunch at Chinese Buffet. It's pretty much our favorite place and I think we go there at least once a week these days. After lunch, mom and Max met us in town to help me shop for a new laptop. I have always wanted a smaller one than, mine is a 17 inch. And in the last year or so, its size has become especially bothersome because of all the traveling I've done. Well, I made a deal with my grandma and she said she would buy my laptop from me (since she's looking for one for herself anyways) and I could get a smaller one like I want. So that's what I did! I purchased a 15in. dell from walmart today. I got a pretty good deal for the amount of RAM and memory it has. It also has a webcam built-in which will be especially nice. I have cleaned off my old laptop and its ready to go to grandma! Yay for getting things done! After walking around at least 4 stores today comparing computers I was pretty tired. My body is telling me I am getting close to labor, I'll spare you the gross details on the ways its telling me. Do I think I'll make it til Jeff gets here? Only God knows now. We will just have to wait and see. I have not talked to him since Saturday night. But knowing that he is coming home soon, I am sure he is busy getting everything squared away with that. I can't wait to have him home for a while. I can almost feel his arms around me now! Gosh, I love that man! :) I have my 39 weeks appointment tomorrow and will be writing an update tomorrow night. So look forward to that and for now this army wife is out! Love to all!
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