Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 7: Best Friend Time

Sometimes my best friend has perfect timing. She comes to visit when I definitely could use a pick-me-up. She never asks if I need her. She never brings up stuff I don't want to talk about. She always lets me vent and be sad, but then makes sure I laugh too. Seriously, everyone needs a best friend... you just can't have mine, 'cause she rocks.
This morning we took the boys to the child care center. I'm happy to report that absolutely NO tears were shed at all. Both the boys were happy to see lots of new friends to make and lots of new toys to play with. The tug on my heart is so much less painful when I leave and they are happy.
Erin and I's day consisted of the Clarksville Downtown Market then a walk around to all the shops on Franklin Street and Strawberry Alley. After that we headed to the store we should never enter Target. I found a new dress, some super cute boots, and a notebook to write my love letters in (: Erin found all her favorite colors in clothes she loved. Success in my book for sure.
We also got chinese food, and a pedicure after that. It was a long and awesome day.
Erin found it pretty funny that I smudged my pedicure because I tried to put my shoes back on.
Until karma bit her in the ass foot..
haha. She got to walk barefoot-ish allllll the way from the back of the PX to the car.
I've also been teaching Erin how to crochet. She really wants to learn, and is doing great.
Her first bow. Not too shabby, eh?
I also forgot to post this yesterday: Jack (and our family) would like to say thank you to everyone who sent a card, message, called, or sent a gift to him for his birthday. It's means so much to us that our little boy is so loved.
He had been talking about a toy he wanted for weeks. "I need to get a 'Cranky' mom" he would say. I finally asked him to show me and he asked me to turn on Thomas the Tank Engine. Come to find out "Cranky" is the crane that lifts the cargo on/off the trains on Thomas.
So he used his some of his birthday money to finally get a "Cranky." Let me tell you, he LOVES this toy. Money well spent, Jack Jack.
And here are some photos especially for daddy. Daddy taught Jack how to swing onto the slide at the top, so we thought daddy would like this photo (:
Daddy also had mentioned a few weeks ago that he thought Jonah would look adorable with slicked back hair, so here ya go dad. What do you think?
Okay, so he may have been kind of annoyed with me. hehe.
Hope y'all are having a great weekend

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