Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I love my bestie

Happy Birthday to me! WOOT!
Being the smart military wife that she is, my best friend Kaylee decided to wait until I got settled in Washington to send my birthday present. I got it today! Kaylee I must say that you are the AWESOME :)

Be jealous folks, very jealous. This is every season of Reba that I don't have! AND a Target gift card. Jack is going to have to give up the tv to mama tonight. Goodbye Sesame Street, Helllooooo Reba!

Why yes, of course she sent something for the munchkin. A very cool set of keys that make noise and have a light... and make A LOT of noise when he bangs them on his high chair tray. And I must also say, they came in a very cool box as well. I'm keeping the tray part to put my pens/pencils in :) 

In action with the banging, "Thanks aunt Kaylee , I LOVE them." love Flapjack. 

Me acting all giddy right before I popped this baby into the DVD player! (Ignore my "it's cleaning day around here" hair, and don't worry I'm still cleaning... just enjoying some classic Barbara Jean and Reba arguments while I'm doing it :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like all of it!!!! oh and I LOVE your new blog design, and name for it :)
