Friday, February 26, 2010

So much to do so little time

I have been avoiding writing lately because I have so much on my mind, but so little that it blog-worthy. Let the rambling begin!

Jeff was finally able to get me the Power of Attorney that I need to apply for on-post housing at Fort Lewis. We are looking forward to less of a commute for him and more room and a yard for our family. He emailed me the P.O.A., and now I've just got to start the long (and confusing I'm sure) process of applying for housing without him here. Only for it to be even more complicated by the fact that I'm currently in Ohio. Oh, how I love jumping through the Army's hoops!

Unsure if all of you have heard or not, I recently found out that the grant I was recieving to fund my schooling has been halted. They are taking two months to review the program and decide whether to continue it. I have been very unmotivated when it comes to my classes lately because of this. I'm just devestated. I'm thinking of taking next semester off. To see if they will continue the program and also because I will be very busy with moving.  We will see, but that's what's going on with that.

Jack and I are getting over the little bug that we had last week. We both went to the doctor and they determined it was just a routine cold, mine was just associated more with my asthma allergies. Jack weighed 14 pounds and 9 ounces at his appointment. Big thank you to my mama, Rick, Avery, and Mackie, for letting us stay at their house and taking care of us. I don't know what I would do without Jeff and I's wonderful families. They are such a big part of our life and such a great support system for us. We love you, all!

Lastly, I have some pictures to share! Here's our favorite American soldier during one of their recent missions:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

4th Valentine's Day Together, 4th Valentine's Day Apart

Don't you love my idiom title today? Today marks Jeff and I's fourth Valentine's day as a couple. It also marks our fourth Valentine's day spent apart. Maybe next year will finally be our lucky year and we'll get to spend celebrate together. A girl can dream, eh?

My lovely husband, even though he's half a world away, sent me a gorgeous arrangement of flowers. He meant for them to be a surprise but ended up having to tell me to go check my door because the stupid flower deliver-ers just left my poor beauties sitting outside in the freezing cold, on my doorstep. Luckily, they were unharmed. Just to know that my hubby was thinking of me was enough happiness for my Valentine's day. Jeff received his Valentine's box a couple of days earlier. He said he enjoyed it and loved everything that was in it. He said he even loved the red shiny wrapping paper and glittery pink & white hearts that lined the box!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Kennedy!

Last week we celebrated Kennedy's fifth birthday! Two babies, two five year olds, two dogs, a mass of jabbering adults, and a princess cake... You've got yourself quite the party! Add in the New System cookies and Chex Mix that the diet-sabotaging Kelly offered, and you get a very happy Kate!

Kennedy had a princess cake with all the Disney princess on in. Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmin, Belle, and Ariel...

The best princess of all gets to be on top of the cake of course, KENNEDY!

The jabbering adults I told you about. As we can see, Laura definitely takes the cake (notice my pun there) in the jabbering contest.

It was so nice to kind of have some help with Jack. He got some quality male bonding in with Unlce Tom. Which I'm sure his daddy is happy about, since he has been squealing instead of crying lately...

The culprit! It was she! She, I tell you who brought the oh so tastey but oh so evil New System cookies into the house. She looks guilty to me, what do you think?

The boys weren't so interested in the festivites. If you ask me, Unlce Tom told them "Okay boys, if we just hold still and don't smile, they'll leave us alone."

Definitely my favorite picture of the night. I don't know what you're talking about Kelly, you're kiddos have beautiful eyes.

Well this was right before we had to call 911... only kidding! Those candles were pretty powerful though. The blur on the right is the birthday girl going in for the kill. Unfortunately, this is the only picture I got of her on her big day.

Kennedy, you are one of the most caring little girls I've ever met. You are beautiful and I have so much enjoyed watching you grow up so far. Jeff and I love you so much, little one. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

7 months down, 5 to go!

That's right folks. We have SEVEN MONTHS down out of this year long deployment. Jeff and I couldn't be more excited. Once in a while we are still down in the dumps about much longer we have left, but for the most part, we agree that we've done a good job ajusting to temporary separation and making the best of it. In three short months I will be moving Jack, Luna, myself, and our family's stuff back to Wasington to prepare for the return of our number one man! I can't express into words how lucky I feel to have had the opportunity to watch all of you get to know Jack and spend time with him. (Don't quit now, we still have three months!) But that has been the silver lining of this deployment so far. The love and support I feel around me from family and close friends has been a life saver as well. Thank you for everything! A big thanks also to my readers here I really enjoy writing and although I'm not the best at it, I'm very happy to know that some of you still enjoy reading my blog.