Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Housewife Chronicles

Sometimes I really don't have anything that interesting to report.
But you are all subject to my boring daily ramblings anyways (:

Yesterday started off a little rough, Lauren (my SIL) and I had the boys up and ready to go to the commissary. Just as we were about to leave. The electric went out. Great. So we decided to put off the grocery shopping until we knew we were actually going to have a cold refridgerator to put our groceries in. So being the flexible women that we are, we went to Hobby Lobby instead. Clearly, it was meant to be. I found some really great deals on glass jars I have had my eye on for some time. But, you'll see more about those later.

While the electricy outage was an inconveinence, it really was a blessing in disguise... you see, they turned it off temporarily in preparation for the installing of one of these:
A privacy fence.. FOR ME (:
I can't wait. Our backyard is currently tiny, right up against a sidewalk and has a yucky old chainlink fence. This will be a BIG improvement. Thank you CampbellCrossing for do this.

I also ordered these yesterday
Jeff and I's new wedding bands. You see what happened was, HE lost his first. Then I lost mine within a week after that. Our ring fingers have been naked for a few months but we are finally replacing them. We both loved this celtic knot design, so we went with a matching set.

Annnnnnd, I ordered this bright blue case for my phone for $2. I just love Amazon.

Jeff's command has been nice enough to start relasing folks early if there's nothing productive at work for them to do. It's not much (maybe 2 hours early each day) but it sure does mean a lot to us families.
Last night we had an FRG meeting. As most of you know I was on board as Jeff's Company FRG leader for a few months, but I have since ended up stepping down. BUT no worried, I have come to know the new leader as a very helpful, good-hearted person. He will do a great job and I will be staying on as a point of contact and to help him out with whatever else he needs.
At the meeting Cpt Kilgore went over the route of travel that the soldiers will most likely take to Afghanistan. Jeff's company will be split between two FOBs (Foward Operating Base) and he showed us where in Afghanistan both are.
The most exciting part of the meeting (for me) was recieving the mister's address. One of my favorite parts of deployment is sending care packages.

If you would like Jeff's deployment address, please email me. I will not be posting it publicly.

After the meeting we finally made it to the commissary. I don't claim to be an "extreme couponer" but I do clip coupons and I do save enough that I feel I'm helping our family and it's worth my time.
Last night our bill went from $176 to $140. (The $10 extra was cash back we got to tip the bagger).
I saved $36.15
or 21%
I'm pretty proud of that.

We also got a few things for the house yesterday. A new shower curtain, a new scentsy warmer, drip pans for the stove, and a memory foam rug for the kitchen. I absolutely expected that I would love this rug already and I sooooo do. What I didn't expect was to have to battle Jonah for it.

Sigh, he's just so darn cute... the dishes can totally wait (:

Happy hump day everyone

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