Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Motherhood Wonders

"You are my biggest adventure"

Definitely the best way I can think of to describe my life with my boys. I've been a mother for just under 2 years, and a mother of 2 for only a week. And I can tell you, it's quite the adventure.

Right now, Jonah is sleeping. So are my wonderful husband and toddler. And yet, I am awake. I know I need my rest. I know I'll be kicking myself in the morning for not sleeping when I can. But yet, I'm awake.

Looking at this sweet baby boy cuddled up against me reminds me of how blessed I am. He is the spitting image of his daddy, and his brother is mommy's mini-me. God has trusted us with these precious babies, and I'm still not sure why he picked us. We are not worthy of such a gift. 

I still can't believe I'm their mommy. It's a scary thing to think about. I'm the one they rely on for most everything. For protection, for help, for teaching, and for love. I often wonder if I can do it.. if I can be everything that they deserve.

I keep trying to tell myself that love is what it all comes down to. If I do everything out of love, everything else will come. But man, I really don't want to mess this up. And I know it's inevitable that I will occasionally.

Motherhood is an adventure. The biggest adventure there is. Sometimes on adventures we have to learn by messing up, and sometimes we have to figure out the path along the way, and most importantly...

...sometimes we have to stop and take a minute to look around and love the exact place we're in.

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