Got back yesterday afternoon!
After a WONDERFUL night's sleep in my own bed, Jack and I woke up and he ran wild in the house. He was just so happy to be home! We went to the grocery this morning and I've been a cleaning machine since I returned. And NOT because the boys didn't keep it nice while I was gone, but because I just felt so weird the past week not cleaning every day. So our kitchen is *perfecto*!
Well... not perfecto, because the floor in the kitchen and living room STILL isn't repaired! it's been about 2 1/2 weeks and my patience is thinning very quickly. Jeff and I got sick of everything out of place and put the fridge, stove/oven, and cabinet back where they belong. We've also decided that if we get to a month (since the leak) and have heard nothing about when it will be fixed, we are sitting down and having a serious talk with our landlord. Until then we are just praying that it doesn't come to that.
Changing the subject to something cheerier, I'm pretty excited about some of the pictures I took in Ohio. I wanted photos that would remind us of home when we looked at them. So... corn fields, Corcorans' farm (which won't be Corcoran's much longer), Mama's house, Bob evans, etc. Most will be scattered in frames throughout our house. But I'll post them here for you to see too :)
Tootleloo! Gotta print off some coupons so when Jack wakes up we can run to the store, come back, and fix dinner before the boys get home and start asking what we're having.
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