Monday, November 30, 2009

'Tis the Season

After a wonderful morning of chatting with my hubby, Jack and I headed out to do a little Christmas shopping. We have almost everyone taken care of now. Just a few more people and we're done! I'm so proud of myself for getting done early this year! Be on the lookout for cats and dogs falling from above or pigs with wings, because me being early never happens. Maybe I should notify the gazette or something?

Speaking of Christmas gifts, the popular question these days seems to be "What should we get Jack for Christmas?" Well, I finally have an answer. Jeff and I discussed it and what we really want for our son this Christmas is books. Jeff and I really enjoy reading and literary world and we want to pass that on to Jack. Help us start his very own book collection. He will be able to keep and cherish this books forever. So if you would please write the date, a short note to Jack, and sign your name in the front cover. We would really appreciate it, and Jack will later as well I'm sure.

After our shopping excursion we headed out to grandma Beth's to help set up and decorate the Christmas tree. Maxwell, Avery and I continued our tradition and put each of our "special" ornaments on the tree first. Mama took pictures like always, but this year she multitasked and loved on Jack as well. The tree looks fabulous if I do say so myself. And Jack loved it, most likely because it has lights. Even Titan joined in on the fun today. The normally outdoor-loving pup decided to spend most the day inside with us. I love that animal, and he loves me! He loves everyone!

We left grandma's full of holiday cheer, and brought along Maxwell to stay the night with us tonight. Stopping at walmart on the way home to get some groceries, I also picked up a new formula for Jack. Much thought and processing went into this decision, but ultimately we needed to at least try. We've been fighting fussy feeding times for about a week and a half now. He's not eating as much in a sitting, and is really cranky immediately upon digestion. My mom suggested that maybe his stomach is sensitive to dairy based formula, as mine was when I was a baby. Jack is now taking Similac Isomil. It offers the same benefits as his former formula, with the only difference being that it is soy based rather than dairy based. So far I have seen wonderful results. However, we only have two soy feedings under our belt so we will see how the long term effects pan out. I'm hoping more than anything that this switch will make him more comfortable. I hate to see him looking as if he's in some sort of pain at all. Especially when thats a result of something he must do frequently, like eating.

Phew! I'm beat, time for bed. Love to all!

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