Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Graduation (a little early)


While I'm REALLY excited we're moving to Korea, I was a little bummed when I realized I would miss my college graduation. I finish my degree in December and I was supposed to walk in my college's May 2015 graduation.


Fort Campbell really came through for me on this occasion. They held a college graduation for students from any (accredited) school, getting any degree, who graduated or are graduating in 2014.
You go, Fort Campbell!

There were eighty of us from 22 different schools. The graduate section was a rainbow of caps and gowns and it was awesome. We were a mixture of soldiers, spouses, military children, and retired veterans. To be a part of a group of people that I know worked long, hard hours for years and years just to achieve this one goal... I honestly got goosebumps. All of us endure a lot of stress but on that day, Wilson theater was only filled with celebration and smiles. 

My mom and dad are both teachers and with it being their first week back to school, neither could make the trip down. But, I sent them this photo the morning of and I'm pretty sure they both got teary, probably my usually straight-faced stepdad too. 

Although my parents couldn't attend, I was so happy to have my sweet husband cheering for me in the audience. I definitely could have never made it to this day without his unwavering support and love.

They even held a reception for all of us afterwards. 
This cake had some weird cappuccino buttercream icing (so they claim) but honestly it tasted like coffee with whiskey in it. Fine with me! hehe

Good job Fort Campbell, do more things like this for families! We appreciate it more than you know. Sometimes when you are the spouse of a soldier (or if you are really familiar with military terms, "a dependent of the sponsor"), you feel like everything you do revolves around them. Everything is ultimately because of them and their career and your family's commitment to the military. Being a mom, same thing. Everything you do, is for your children. 

But this degree, this degree was for me.

So what if it was 6 years after I completed high school.
So what if some assignments were not my best work because I was up all night with a sick baby instead of studying.
So what if I didn't declare a major until 1.5 years in.
So what.

I did it. 
I'm doing it.

And as a result... children will learn what hard work can get you husband will breathe a little easier knowing I will someday have a career that can support our family too.
... my parents will be proud of me (I know you have always been, mom and dad!) 

As for my future plans, 
I'm going on to obtain my Bachelor's in Mathematics/Statistics.
After that I plan to become and actuary, but I'm open to other careers in the field.

Therefore I will not be offended if someone bought me this shirt...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

School Daze

"I am a mom of two preschool boys."
I feel like I just have to keep saying it, and eventually it will sink in.

Boy 2 started first. He had been talking about going to school for months. And then, as with everything in the Army, we had to sit through an an hour long orientation and fill out 15 pages of paperwork the week before he started. After that, he did not want to go back. Great. How do you convince a strong-willed three-year-old that school is awesome, and cool, and such a fun time?! 

You tell him three things:
1. There are snacks, every day without fail and you can even have two glasses of milk if you want!
2. They don't make you take a nap like mommy does.
3. They have lots of books and you get to color lots of pictures!

He wasn't totally convinced, but he had a good first day.

We are now in his second week and this morning he was ready with his backpack on 30 minutes before we had to leave. He has the same teachers Boy 1 had last year and I'm so thankful for them! He and Ms. Haley have already created a special bond and as a parent I couldn't ask for anything better than that.

Boy 1 started Pre-K this week. This is his third year of preschool (he has a late birthday) but this is his first at the elementary school and his first time riding a school bus. Boy 1 has always been a worrier. He's the one keeping the other kids out of the street and always wondering if we are going the right way to get home. 

The soldier and I have been trying to "talk up" school for a while and it seemed to be working. T-minus 20 minutes til bus time and he smiled so big for my all my ridiculous photos.

Then it was time to get in line for the bus. I kissed his head, guided him to his spot and started to back up a little and he squeezed my hand and looked at me in a way that said "Mom, do NOT let go"

Of course I tried to keep it together, and I was totally cool as a cucumber until he turned around and gave me this look. 

"ABORT,  I REPEAT ABORT MISSON! Nevermind! YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO! You can just stay home with me until your 18!" I wanted to say all that so bad. 

My heart was screaming, but thank goodness for the soldier. He held me tight and our brave, brave boy got on the bus and went to school. 

He still gets nervous and most days doesn't really want to go to school, but I just keep telling myself it'll get easier for him with time and routine. He does love that they feed him breakfast.

He is brave.
He is strong.
He is smart.
And he is such a joy to have in my life, time to share him a little.

Both boys go to school half day (mornings). Boy 1 is 5 days a week and Boy 2 is 3 days a week. Today, while they were at school, I went to the gym and it was awesome. I miss my boys and sometimes feel a little lost in a quiet house. But, I am looking forward to a little me time and they are thriving and happy and learning new things every day. That can never be a bad thing!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kate and the boys go to Korea

We've known about these orders for a while. But as of today, the boys and I have officially been approved to accompany the soldier to Korea! 

When the text came through a few months ago, "Babe, I have an assignment, it's Korea"
I just said "Okay"
and then I said "Okay"
and then I said "Holy Crap... Korea.... OKAY!"

Then the panic set in,
It wasn't "What if I get lost in a foreign country?"
It wasn't "What if I get homesick and miss my family?"
It wasn't even "What if they make me eat KIMCHI!" 
*which is fried pickled cabbage for those of you not familiar with Korean ridiculousness.

I constantly started to worry...
"What if the Army doesn't let me go with him?"

It's been about three months and that worry is finally over. 
I can't even begin to explain the relief I feel. 

We will not be separated for a year.

and we will get to experience an amazing culture together and give our boys this amazing experience.

The details will all be worked out in the next few months but it looks like we will be heading that way around January/February 2015 and the tour will be for 2 years. 

I do, however, know that we'll be living in Seoul (the capital of Korea).

This city is bigger than NYC and most likely, this little country bumpkin family of mine will be calling a big city high-rise apartment home for a while. Crazy. 

Some military families dread orders to Korea, but I can say that we are honestly so excited!
 This is one of the reasons we love military life. 

We can't wait to arrive in the land of the morning calm. Hopefully they welcome us with open arms. and is it too much to ask for a place a girl can get a good american burger and beer? (: Thank goodness for the commissary.