Did I really leave all of you hanging on the eve of our homecoming.. oops! muaaaahhhaahaaa.
I kid, I kid.
Homecoming happened right before Easter, and it was wonderful, amazing, beautiful, and made me feel like I was gonna throw up.. all at the same time.
Best feeling ever. Hands down.
Since that day, we've been busy.
Jeff and I are both full time college students. He's majoring in pre-nursing, me .. well I'm still deciding (:
We spend most our nights at the kitchen table, laptop next to laptop, spewing cuss words as we navigate math problems. Popcorn and coffee often fuel our "homework dates" and we cherish the nights we can move our wild and crazy party over to the couch and watch an episode of "Rules of Engagement" (our new fav show).
Other than studying our life away, we've been up to a few fun things as well.
I did the Color Run in Nashville with my mom and sister, so much fun!
We often spend our Saturday mornings at the farmer's market and we always look for local festivals and fairs to explore.
Jeff and I got to spend a night at the gorgeous Opryland Hotel Resort in Nashville for the Rakkasan ball. If you haven't been... put it on your bucket list now. It's so beautiful. and HUGE! It's like it's own little town, and who doesn't like to get dressed up and fancy for a night with their husband? (:
We recently spent Jeff's post-deployment 2-week leave in Ohio visiting and reconnecting with family and friends. We took the boys to see some good hometown baseball at the Chillicothe Paints game, we went to a waterpark and had a blast, and we had the chance to see so many people we have been missing! The boys were smothered with love (as it should be) and Jeff and I enjoyed the change of pace.
Also, my husband turned into a caveman.
Hehe. Of course that animal on his face is gone now, as he went back to work today.. but he was lovin' it for a while!
As a family, we have made the choice to commit to a healthier lifestyle. We joined the YMCA here and I have been working my butt off in the gym to get healthy! Our diet consists of mostly lean meats and veggies, some whole grain carbs, fruits, and lots of water! Of course we have our cheat meals, but setting this example for our children is important to us. Jack and Jonah have done so wonderful with this change as well, Jack has recently started asking for almond milk over cow's milk and Jeff is drinking it too!
The only place I really notice a difference so far is in how my jeans fit. They are so loose on my thighs and almost falling off! It's a good thing right?! I have lost 20 pounds and quite a few inches since May and I have no intention of looking back. I recently ordered a new bathing suit, and for the first time, I feel sort of comfortable wearing it, that's huge for me!
Hope y'all are just as well as ever! and just because.. two updated pictures of my boys (: Jack will be 4 soon, and Jonah just turned 2.